That means I can work on other things at my desk, yay!
Throughout the day, I'm going to be working on finalizing the last two triggers for my zone in TBA. The first one, I referenced in this post I made the other day, about the rose in the rose bush. I still haven't bugchecked it, but I'm going to today. I also found this from my early posts on the TBA forums:
From Fizban,
The following was written in this post, not in trigedit, and as such is completely untested, but should work, or at the very least work with very minor changes.
Type: Random
Numeric Arg: 100
wait 300 s
if !%self.contents%
%load% mob <insert mob vnum>
set curr_item %self.contents%
while %curr_item%
if %curr_item.vnum% == 59320
set %curr_item% %curr_item.next_in_list%
%load% mob <insert mob vnum>
end'd just need to have the load script on her have a check for the vnum of the room she is currently in and then have her load a rose and put it in the container if she is in the appropriate room.
Comparing this to what I have, they are rather different. :/ Gotta work on fixing that.
The next trigger I'm going to work on is going to give a druid healer a few protective spells to cast on people present within the room. Ideally, I'd love for him to have a couple of spells he casts if someone stands in the room long enough, and then stops casting once the effects of those spells are present on the character(s), but that's going to be much more elaborate than a list of random spells he casts every 10 seconds haha.
We'll see what happens. I'm going to be updating the post referenced above with my changelog!! If anyone here is actually paying attention for my bug-checking methods, that's where to keep an eye out!
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